Study of Maternal and Perinatal Outcome in Hellp Syndrome

Article Type: Original Article
Authors: Jyothi G Seshadri, Anusha GP, Poonam Rath


Introduction: HELLP syndrome is characterized by hemolysis,elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count. It constitutes 0.5-0.9% of all pregnancies and 10-20% of cases with severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.

Aim: To know the incidence, maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity of HELLP syndrome in severe pre-eclampsia and to diagnose atypical clinical features, so as to adopt timely intervention to salvage the mother and the baby. Methodology: It was a retrospective study for a duration of 3 years, which included 62 cases of HELLP syndrome, out of the total 302 cases of severe pre-eclampsia.

Results: Incidence of HELLP syndrome was 20.5% in severe pre-eclampsia cases (8% partial and 12% complete). Primigravida accounted for 64.5%. Complications included abruption - 6.6%, oligohydramnios - 20%, pathological cardiotocograph - 15%, eclampsia - 11%, disseminated intravascular coagulation - 8.3%, acute renal failure - 3.3%, multiple organ dysfunction - 3.3%, ICU admissions - 23%, patients who received blood products were 36.6%, preterm delivery - 58%, NICU admission - 21.6%, intra uterine fetal demise - 3.3%, fetal growth restriction - 31.6%, meconium aspiration syndrome - 3.3%, fetal distress - 12%. There was no maternal mortality. Perinatal mortality rate was 14.43%.

Conclusion: There is a high incidence of HELLP syndrome in the current study. Early detection and treatment can prevent most of the complications.

Issue Number: Issue -3   September - December 2021
Pages: 91-133
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