Vulvovaginal Adhesions Secondary to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Article Type: Case Report
Authors: Hansali Neema Bhartiya


Vulvovaginal adhesions as a sequelae to a systemic diseases which damage skin and mucosa are common but less reported in the literature. It can be prevented by prophylactic care in acute phase of disease process. A known case of 32 years multiparous women with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is reported who presented with obstructive dyspareunia. On examination, the labia were found to have midline adhesions. Adhesiolysis of labial adhesions followed by vaginoscopy was performed which demonstrated mucosal adhesions. Vaginal adhesiolysis was done followed by application of intravaginal glucocorticoids and regular use of vaginal molds in the postoperative period. The goals of therapy for this complication should be to protect vaginal function by preventing adhesion formation, during the acute phase of illness.

Issue Number: Issue-3   September-December 2019
Pages: 101-147
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