Misplaced Mirena Case Report and Review of Literature

Article Type: Case Report
Authors: Arpita De


ABSTRACT Levonorgestrel IUS has now been used for AUB for more than a decade. It is well known to cause less number of perforations as well as reduced inflammatory response compared to other IUDs. In spite of this, some cases of migration of Mirena IUS are coming to light. This is a case of a 38-year-old woman with AUB who got Mirena insertion done after curettage. Her bleeding problems recurred within a month and on investigations it was diagnosed as a case of migrating Mirena. On laparoscopy it was found embedded in the omentum from where it was retrieved. This is the first documented case of Mirena embedded in omentum in India. This review stresses the importance of high degree of suspicion of migrated Mirena in case of failed management.

Issue Number: Issue - 3   September - December 2020
Pages - 107 - 157
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