Impact of Ethnicity on the Presentation of Hyperandrogenism in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Review

Article Type: Review Article
Authors: Annabel SL Chong, Hoi Lim Cheang, Valliammai Jayanthi T Arasoo, Nisha Angela Dominic


ABSTRACT Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrinopathy affecting women of reproductive age. Diagnosis of PCOS is widely based on the 2003 Rotterdam criteria: Oligo-anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. However, clinical hyperandrogenism which is commonly used as a diagnostic criterion for PCOS is not particularly prevalent amongst certain ethnic groups. This review article explores the diverse manifestation of hyperandrogenism in different ethnicities and the difficulties of accurately diagnosing PCOS, with a focus on Malaysian patients

Issue Number: Issue - 3   September - December 2020
Pages - 107 - 157
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