Robson Ten Group Classification: A Way Forward to Reduce Cesarean Deliveries

Article Type: Editorial
Authors: Arpita De, Aruna Nigam


Abstract: There is a global unmet need to reduce the sky high cesarean rates to optimize fetomaternal health. According to WHO, one of the most important steps, would be to classify all perinatal data according to Robson classification system. It is prospective, unambiguous, mutually exclusive, does not require case definitions and is easy to use and implement. Only a Robson group specific cesarean rate, analyzed and monitored over time can indicate the fruitfulness of interventions to reduce cesarean sections. The Modified Robson has subgroups of induction and prelabor cesareans in Groups V-X, which enables more specific and fruitful analysis. Groups I,II,III and V contribute most to the cesarean sections, though the order may vary in different populations. Among them Groups I, II (nulliparous women with singleton, term, vertex babies with no previous scars) respond most to interventions to reduce cesarean sections.

Issue Number: Issue -3   September - December 2021
Pages: 91-133
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