Female Bladder Outlet Obstruction

Article Type: Review Article
Authors: Manas Sharma, RB Nerli, Priyeshkumar Patel, Shridhar C Ghagane


ABSTRACT As per the International Continence Society, Bladder Outlet Obstruction is defined as an obstruction during voiding resulting in a reduced flow rate and/or presence of increased post-void residual urine along with increased detrusor pressure. There is a wide variation in the reporting of this disorder leading to a prevalence ranging from 2 to 23% in the literature. Owing to diverse etiological factors and lack of uniformity in the diagnostic criteria of bladder outlet obstruction in females; the diagnosis remains perplexing. This article highlights the various etiological factors, diagnostic tools and management options for female bladder outlet obstruction with a brief note on recent advances in this field.

Issue Number: Issue - 3   September - December 2020
Pages - 107 - 157
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